The Bibles you have ordered for Andres and Linda have started to arrive at our home and we are truly excited. Some of them are great for evangelism, simple and inexpensive; others are leather bound and small, great for gifting at baptisms or other special moments; still others are large print, special for the elderly who sit hunched over in inadequate lighting, thirsty for the Word.

Getting the Word into the hands of people truly hungry for it–don’t we all hope to be able to do that somewhere around the world? What a privilege to be connected to people who are taking the Word where it has NEVER been before!

If you too want to provide Bibles for the people in a remote mountain of Nayarit, click here to send any amount. Be sure to write Bibles for Nayarit on the memo. We will purchase the Bibles here in Mexico and when we go to Nayarit in this next month we will get them all the way there!

Categorías: Allyson Searway

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